
New Year New Weight.....

Well I was hoping by 2012 I would be back down to my normal 130 pound weight BUT it just didn't work out that way. 2 years ago I worked so hard and was 20 pounds away. I do and do not know what happened but now I am literally 50 pounds away from my goal weight... I have 6 months. I know I can do it. I did it before...

It drives me crazy seeing so many woman just naturally thin. My mom apologizes to me almost every time she sees me for me not getting her thin genes. I unfortunately got my real fathers genes...My body just wants to be size elephant. I refuse to be big. Yes there are a lot of woman that are big and beautiful but sorry ladies I don't want to be one of those women.

So lets keep track of my weight here and see what happens. I have been working out every morning lots of cardio!! Today I redeemed my Christmas gift from my Mom & Dad, They paid for me to go to a weight clinic. Got on a special diet. I have to go back once a month till I feel I have reached my goal weight 

January 6 2012 Day one of weight clinic diet....ugh 
wish me luck! Gotta drop this weight for my wedding in June!!


Very Veronique said...

I believe just doing anything towards reaching one's goal alwiays helps:) Watching what you esat PLUS exercise will definitely bring results. I'm setting a similar plan for myself but it's dificult since I tend to eat in a hurry and that leads to over-eating plus I had a huge sweet tooth! What kind of cardio exercises are you doing? When I was my thinnest I used to run every day but I'm so lazy these days I cannot remember the last time I went running or to the gym.. But you'd inspired me and I'll start doing something to reach my goals too, good luck with yours! :)

Anonymous said...

HiLeah!Good luck with your goal, be strong and stay positive. i'm sure that you can do it!xx

SwallowingDiamonds said...

I do a lot of cardio not so much weights. I watch everything that I eat. I have already lost a few pounds. I have a bad knee otherwise I would run outside of the treadmill. Once I am down to the right weight I think it would be ok if I slowly started running. The lighter I am the less harsh it will be on my knee. Ugh!!!

TheShoeGirl said...

You're BEAUTIFUL bebe <3